But words that imply the unity is already present seem to counter our life experience. I hope I did! Ephesians 4:12 Purpose of equipping It is a superficial unity. We would be more than happy to rewrite the verse to fit our experiences. If we do not have peace in our hearts, it is hard to have peace with others. Ephesians 4 – These last three chapters Paul explains our duty and responsibilities in Christ. Ephesians 1:2 Only in Christ Jesus When this is done, the Spirit can and will mightily work. The same is true in the church. The world might seem to function as a unity in some respects, but they have their selfish desires propelling them. On the other hand, think what it is like to have a humble or prideful husband who always thinks he is right. A patient wife is not demanding but understanding. There is often, a desperate cry in our hearts, “How?”. Ephesians 3:8-10 The Calling of the Gospel The church is also to be a unity. Parents must pursue clear standards and discipline challenges to respect. We should not allow the absence of outward conflict to define the peace that God wants to give to us. Ephesians 2:4–7 (ESV) We are seated with Christ Jesus in the heavenly places. NIV, Storyline Bible, Comfort Print: Each Story Plays a Part. Does Paul mean that you should be quiet and not say anything? Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. A person is angry with another. Christians are unfortunately better at pretending unity than actually possessing it. Ephesians 2:8-9 A) Purpose of Salvation Should the husband just ignore his wife? Ephesians 3:21 God's Amazing Glory I have had to learn how to live at peace with all sorts of people. with all lowliness and meekness, with longsuffering, forbearing one another in love, in all humblenes of mynde and meknes and longe sufferynge forbearinge one another thorowe love. Bible Study Questions are provided at the end. Ephesians 4:6 One God & Father Great Love - Ephesians 2:1 – 10 Reconciliation - Ephesians 2:11 -22 Manifold Mystery - Ephesians 3 Unity of the Church - Ephesians 4:1-10 Building the Body - Ephesians 4:10-16 Old Man, New Man - Ephesians 4:17-32 Imitation of God - Ephesians 5:1-14 They will learn what a worthy walk of a believer looks like. With all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing forbearance to one another in love, being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (Ephesians 4:1-3). I understand this. Peace is a commonly used word but not very often well understood. The parents have tried to curtail his involvement in these things but to no avail. We read about it earlier when those early Christians were actually selling their property to care for everyone in need. Let me give you some illustrations. His wife has hinted at a couple of things she is concerned about. Peace is not just tolerating those that you don’t get along with. This requires, of course, each individual to submit his own will to the Lord. Many people move house, job, church and mate just to find peace. Outward uniformity is as yet unattainable; but What does Ephesians 4:2 mean? Unity refers to a joint mind or approach despite the differences. Ephesians 4:2-3 Our Oneness of the Body They speak of ways we are to conduct ourselves with other believers: humble, gentle, patient, forbearance and diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit. Forgiveness brings a healing power that overcomes offenses. If he is typical, he doesn’t do a good job understanding her needs. I want to focus on the fifth item, “Being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” All of these attributes are important, but the last is not as easily understood. Ephesians 4:1 Calling to Unity Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Have you experienced this kind of unity? That’s the reason we teach. For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there is disorder and every evil thing. “Preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (Ephesians 4:1-3). “And gentleness” focuses on the kind way that we respond to people that we differ with. See How They All Connect. We need, however, to penetrate the surface and go deeper to hold onto the great things that the Lord has for us. LESSON 3 * PART 4 * BOOK 37 Ephesians 4:1-11 – Part 2 It’s so thrilling to hear people tell us that they have a love for the Word that they’ve never had before. (Ephesians 2:11-13) Lesson 17 ῾ο δὲ θεὸς, πλούσιος ὢν ἐν ἐλέει —“But God, being rich in mercy.” The apostle resumes the thought started in Ephesians 2:1. I. Sin’s work against us – Ephesians 2:1-3 Paul gives us a picture of the terrible spiritual condition of an unsaved person. Marriage and family were to function as a unity. is not characterized by these things, then we need to change our approach to life or our problems will only worsen. Paul's Second Missonary Journey to Ephesus - Map Paul says it is agape love that keeps unity. Before going more into what this ‘preserve’ means and how this practically works out in our lives, let us first introduce the other concepts given in the last phrase of verse 3. Jesus was this way and wants us to let Him live His life through us. To be brief, we have been cheated. The parents know their child has a problem. But it also can be a disguise that that keeps true unity from every being reached. We sing about it, write about it We have a negative example of this unity when people built the Tower of Babel. We have a greater purpose of working closely together. Speaking the truth in love Let’s look at a few examples. The more the unity, that is, the more people with a similar mindset (seen in the wide ends of the bowtie going to far left or right), whether for bad or good, brings about an intensified response from God: judgment for the wicked and blessing for the obedient. “And they were continually devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Although there might be the lack of outward conflict, there can still be the inner tension. Ephesians, Lesson #5 God’s Marvelous Plan for the Gentiles Ephesians 3.1 – 13. You may want to suggest that students mark scripture mastery passages in a distinctive way so they will be able to locate them easily. Ephesians 4 - A Study Guide by Mark A. Copeland. “So then let us pursue the things which make for peace and the building up of one another” (Romans 14:19). What word is it then that makes this verse difficult to understand? When I train my child some certain task, I need to be constantly alert to his or her needs and demands. The Lord has been teaching me more about this topic lately. We need to subdue that selfish and greedy heart if we are going to find that peace. I tended to endure misunderstandings rather than with a prayerful heart go and carefully clear them up. I would actually not use the word unity to describe the similar mindset of the wicked but obviously there is some element of unity. Instead, it allows us to exude a kind spirit in disruptive situations. Or if there is disagreement in Biblical instruction or teaching, should we always be quiet? The cashier next to me was busy with one person and then another. Ephesians 2:2 B) Man's World So much so that God destroyed this unity by giving them different language mediums and dividing them. Allow me to summarize two important reminders before going on. Do you have peace in your life? Nor are we to be like the sporadic individuals who only comes alive for an important test. Patience does not mean someone has wronged you, but forbearance contains this idea - something wrong is being done to you. That is great for ambulances but not for us. Ephesians 1:1-3 Introduction in text. Ephesians 2:8-10 Extraordinary Purpose Chronology Chart of Pauline Letters I only was trying to preserve the status quo. There was to be a speech, but it seemed that most people were interested in the free food. Definitely not. “Being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (Ephesians 4:3). Lesson 2 Bible: Ephesians 1:4, Romans 5:8, Ephesians 1:5 Ephesians 1:6-7 Description: A major theme in Ephesians—and really all of Paul’s writings—is the amazingness of God’s grace. Having just discussed unity and love of the brethren, Paul now moves to a discussion of Christian purity and holiness. We exert ourselves so that we can get that job done. It must be miserable to waste even one day or even a minute being unhappy. They all dashed in one direction - towards the tables. We hope there is no outburst of anger and shouting matches. Ephesians - Lesson 4 By Curt Niccum The Rebuilding of the Temple. On the one hand when people concur to do evil, such as in Sodom, we find judgment. Questions (Ephesians 2:1-3) The ‘two shall become one.’ Otherwise, why design a lifelong relationship where there are arguments, infighting, bitterness and competition? Work toward unity and blessing will be found (Psalm 133). This wisdom is not that which comes down from above, but is earthly, natural, demonic. You just want a quiet house. Maybe you have too. Ephesians 4:2-3 ~ "B) The Oneness of the Body" is part 3 of 5 of The Bible Teaching Commentary on Ephesians 4:1-3 which discusses the five ways he says the people of God obtain unity of the Spirit. The ‘Bowtie Unity’ diagram below describes God’s response to these different kinds of unity. Ephesians 2:8-10, an Introduction And everyone kept feeling a sense of awe; and many wonders and signs were taking place through the apostles. First, the Ephesians—and all Christians—are to live in humility. EPHESIANS 4:1-16 LESSON: FAITH TO UNITE— December 31, 2017 INTRODUCTION: Chapter 3:14-21 This is Paul's second prayer for the Ephesians and a doxology of praise to God. He not only reminds us of this calling but entreats us to live according to this vision of what God has given to us. “And beyond all these things put on love, which is the perfect bond of unity” (Colossians 3:14). But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering, without hypocrisy. As the song “Cleanse Me (Search me O God)” goes, ‘Send a revival, start the work in me.’. Ephesians 1:1-14 Redemption & Sovereignty Ephesians 4:1-3 Bible Study Questions With all lowliness and meekness, with long-suffering, forbearing one another in love; with all lowliness of mind and unselfishness, and with patience, bearing with one another lovingly, and earnestly striving to maintain. We see a positive example when the people of God unite in prayer to God. If we want to get ahead in school, we are not to lag behind. I had to tame myself down to speak gently. It refers to inward peace–tranquility, or the peace between individuals–harmony. As a missionary, I met many non-Christians and worked with many Christians. Once I was invited to this government banquet. Ephesians 1:1-3 Every Spiritual Blessing Lesson 29: Vital Signs of a Healthy Body (Ephesians 4:14-16) Related Media Whenever you feel sick and go to the doctor, he will check your vital signs. Disharmony, restlessness, agitation, conflict and irritation that describe the loss of peace. This is the fourth lesson from the Book of Ephesians. You are in fact fighting against God’s good ways. And it is already established that Christ has been raised from the dead and seated far above (literally, above above!) Unity & Diversity on Genesis 10-11 Deceit We are not just looking for the absence of conflict but inwardly the success of others. This is the enemy of love. An example of this is certain cult-like denominations which so emphasize their own Christian community and their inherent unity, they treat other brothers and sisters outside of the community of the Lord. But in this case, he could solve the problem! At other times, I ducked and avoided. This is, of course, the point of this scripture portion. A bond or glue keeps things together. Ephesians 3:1 The Value of the Gospel Ephesians 1:15-17 Bible Study Questions, Ephesians 2:1-3, an Introduction And this is what they began to do, and now nothing which they purpose to do will be impossible for them” (Genesis 11:6). When a few people are moved by God, it is easier to be touched by the work of the Holy Spirit in our own lives. I think it would be better to write, “Being diligent to make the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” Words like make, create, form or plan would all work. There was no consideration of one another. So I had to get at behind the person at the other register. It enables people to work with others even though they have differences. Peace is not just something acquired so that we can sleep well, but it shapes our relationship with God and others too. Instead, we work regularly, diligently, perseveringly in order to accomplish some certain task. We need to get to the point where we are committed to each other despite the differences. The Lord Himself told us that we were not to tear the tares out early. “And the LORD said, “Behold, they are one people, and they all have the same language. I hope by now that you can recognize that a show of outward unity is not unity, not the least the unity of the Spirit. Division, isolation, offensive words and unforgiving attitudes quickly develop. Once I mention it, you probably understand my problem. Ephesians 2.1 - 10 Ephesians, Lesson #4 Reconciled Through Christ Ephesians 2.11 - 22 Ephesians, Lesson #5 God’s Marvelous Plan for the Gentiles Ephesians 3.1 – 13 Ephesians, Lesson #6 A Prayer for the Ephesians Ephesians 3.14 - 21 Unity and But if there is any threat to them missing out a bit on the free food, watch out. They made sacrifices to help others. Ephesians 2:11-22 Objectives: The student can identify some of the Temple imagery employed by Paul. Unity can be bad when the ungodly act in opposition to God. Ephesians 4:11 Gifts in the church Maybe he is watching too much television, writing too much IM or watching things that they disapprove of. Our old nature just naturally has us think more of ourselves as more important than others. Ephesians, Lesson #7 Unity and, Again, we see them functioning as one. There is strain in the relationship because of some offense. 1-16, purity – 4:17-5:17, harmony – Eph. Ephesians 5:31-33 Building a Great Marriage As a husband, I have had to see what it means to live at peace with my wife. They think the same about some certain matter. << Previous | Index | Next >>. Thumper Introduction: 1. We need to constantly work on growing in these areas. There is no doubt that we cannot always solve every relationship but, more than likely, we can live at peace with most people. Of course, no one thinks absolutely the same. He is dead – v.1 He is spiritually dead; and unable to … James clearly identifies why there is loss of peace. Is there peace? Is this what Paul means by preserving the peace? As a Dad, I have had to learn what it is to preserve the unity of the Spirit with my family. The tolerance of the world allows one to harbor differences, but the Spirit’s forbearance brings forgiveness and healing so that the individuals really care for each other. When we live out our lives in this manner, others can live around us much more easily. But again, we find that this seems to be more of a theory or doctrine than something that is put in practice. Ephesians 1:4-6 Bible Study Questions Unity describes how brothers and sisters function as one. Ephesians 1:3 Every Spiritual Blessing I allowed a lack of confrontation to stand for unity or peace. "THE EPISTLE TO THE EPHESIANS" Chapter Four OBJECTIVES IN STUDYING THE CHAPTER 1) To see the importance of walking in unity and purity 2) To appreciate the gifts Christ has given the church for our edification, and the need for each one to do their share SUMMARY Beginning with this chapter and … Sometimes I did better than at others. Peace itself, Paul says, is a glue of sorts. Things will settle down later. Lesson 13: Salvation is Totally of God (Ephesians 2:4-7) Lesson 14: Salvation by Grace through Faith Alone (Ephesians 2:8-9) Lesson 15: Salvation and Good Works (Ephesians 2:10) Lesson 16: Remembering Then, but Now! Ephesians 6:1-3 Obedience to Parents Where I have had insight, humility and boldness, I have reaped peace. Through this passage the Lord has given me a renewed energy to live out this unity despite the challenges I face. “With all humility” highlights the need to recognize the importance of those others including those who are somewhat hostile toward us. I was in line to buy some milk, but she was just looking down and doodling. Ephesians 1:1-3 Bible Study Questions He thinks it is better to let her deal with the trouble rather than getting involved. The longer one lives, the more one finds this is true. Ephesians - Lesson 2 By Curt Niccum A Saving Knowledge. Questions (Ephesians 3:1-10) As "faith" is mentioned, Ephesians 4:5, so "hope" here, and "love," Ephesians 4:2. LESSON 4: EPHESIANS 2:1-10 Introduction Having used the physical resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ to illustrate the power of salvation in the previous section of the epistle (1:15-23), Paul now reminds his readers of their spiritual resurrection, a phenomenon which can only be attributed to God’s grace. He doesn’t like her not so subtle reminders and simply ignores them. We need to show forbearance to all through the power of His love. “Showing forbearance to one another in love” emphasizes the need to actually forgive one another. Ephesians 3:6-7 The Glory of the Gospel If our style of being a husband, wife, parent, leader, etc. “Then the angel of the LORD said to her, “Return to your mistress, and submit yourself to her authority” (Genesis 16:9). τος, μετὰ μακροθυμίας, ἀνεχόμενοι ἀλλήλων ἐν ἀγάπῃ. Ephesians 4:11–14 is a scripture mastery passage. On the surface it looks great but below there is no harmony. Ephesians 4:17-21 He calleth men off from the vain and impure conversation of the heathen world, Ephesians 4:22-24 to renounce the old, and to put on the new, man, Ephesians 4:25 to discard lying, Ephesians 4:26,27 and sinful anger. Ephesians 4:4, the very next verse, states “There is one body and one Spirit.” When He is working in each individual, each individual is seeking to accomplish His purpose. When we do not live in this manner, sins crop up and Satan enters. This kind of unity was exactly what God desired: people centering their lives around Him. We need the Spirit of God to give us this peace of heart which then provides peace with those about us. Ephesians 2:1 A) Man's Nature The mission to train the child makes the focus on the child more important than most other things. And all those who had believed were together, and had all things in common; and they began selling their property and possessions, and were sharing them with all, as anyone might have need” (Acts 2:42-45). (Ephesians 2:4.) When we are patient, we will not so easily blow up or react against others. Ephesians 4:4-5 Reason for Oneness Some of you, perhaps, only know how to treat your parents disrespectfully. When we do, we are basically asking God to remove those things that keep God’s people from being filled with the Spirit. God’s way is always the best way. This picture is quite different than the world. Ephesians 4:3 Preservation of Unity