Image alt texts are really important as it improves the accessibility of the contents, improves topical relevance and serves as anchor text for image links. However, it comes with a bonus: it also can help with SEO!That said, the highest and best purpose for creating alt text is to improve the accessibility of your digital content. Sono decorative, il che significa che desideriamo che il lettore di schermo le schivi. Sarebbe meglio fare in modo che il lettore di schermo la ignorasse completamente. Nota l’inclusione del numero di modello nell’esempio finale. Alt texts are being used for image optimization by the top SEO service providers like SEO Agency Melbourne. Head of Content @ Ahrefs (o, in parole povere, sono la persona che fa sì che ogni articolo pubblicato sul nostro blog sia EPICO). L’attributo alt è una descrizione di immagine composta da più parole, letta dal crawler quando la pagina viene indicizzata. Alt text is an important part of image optimization for on-page SEO. Alt text, which stands for alternative text, is the “alt” attribute on an HTML , or other element. Google Images is the world’s second-largest search engine. Alt text is just a way to describe what is going on in the image while actively increasing your ranking through smart, thoughtful placement of SEO keywords. Just look at the number of clicks we’ve had to the Ahrefs Blog from Google Images in the past three months: Google’s John Mueller says that alt text is an important part of optimizing for Google Images: Alt text is extremely helpful for Google Images — if you want your images to rank there. A. 3 modi diversi per scoprirlo, Google PageRank NON è Morto: Ecco Perché Resta Importante, Cos’è un Backlink? This ALT description is an essential part of the data set you can optimize (for SEO) when creating a blog and uploading photos as you can see by my quick “madwhips porsche” google image search below which is delivering all the results where I have put “madwhips porsche” in the ALT … Alt text can help improve your site's SEO performance by adding further relevancy signals to a web page and help Google better understand the contents of an image and help it rank. For example, just ten posts on the Ahrefs blog account for 51% of monthly organic traffic…. Ma cosa c’è di importante da sapere sull’alt text? But having missing alt text isn’t always an issue because not all images require alt text. It’s responsible for 20.45% of all online searches, putting it ahead of YouTube, Bing, and other search engines combined. If an image doesn’t require alt text, best practice is to add an empty alt attribute. You should see the alt text displayed whenever you roll over an image. If you’re using a modern CMS, it should be possible to add alt text without having to dig into the HTML code. Because sometimes, context is ‘locked away’ in images that Google can’t read. … whereas the same isn’t true for this page on The Mirror: Repeat this process for the most visited pages on your website. Doing so will only annoy visitors with screen readers, and won’t add any “SEO value” to the page. They’re decorative, which means we’d want a screen reader to pass right over them. Altrimenti, i lettori di schermo potrebbero saltarli ed alcuni visitatori non saranno in grado di interagire con il tuo sito web. Google also uses the alt text in the Google Image search algorithm. Operating on this information alone, people new to SEO often fall into the same pitfalls, writing image descriptions that fail … If this sounds familiar, this guide is going to clarify things for you. However, there are additional ways you can use images to improve your website’s SEO. Your ALT text shouldn’t be a string of keywords, or not describe the image at all. Using alt text (or Alt attribute) on your images can make for a better user experience, but it may also help earn you both explicit and implicit SEO benefits. This is good practice, especially for images on e‑commerce product pages. For SEOs, alt attributes serve as another opportunity to drive organic traffic to a targeted webpage through keyword strategy. Image SEO alt text and title text optimization This article is a deep dive on HTML tags and attributes optimization for image SEO . Alt text in images helps in contributing to images SEO & they can become more user friendly. Google uses it to understand more about the web page and what it’s about. For example, some websites have icons to separate content: These are only there to look pretty, so you shouldn’t add alt text. Alt text is a simple bit of HTML code that essentially describes an image that appears on a web page so that the user still knows what the image represents if they are visually impaired or if the picture simply doesn’t display correctly. (I know these days Google is very smart and their engine has started understanding images.) Lo stesso succede per immagini generiche o di stock come questa: Avere un alt text che legge “vasca e candela” non è utile ai visitatori ipovedenti perché è un’informazione che non hanno bisogno di conoscere. What even is it? The text for this attribute should not be excessively long. Se un’immagine non ha bisogno di alt text, la best practice da seguire è aggiungere un alt text vuoto. I'll teach you everything you need to know about Image ALT text including how to write them. Adding ALT Text to Images: In Cos’è l’alt text? Assicuriamoci di aver capito cosa funziona e cosa no con alcuni esempi. The actual search traffic (as reported in Google Analytics) is usually 3-5 times bigger. Otherwise, screen readers might pass over them and some visitors won’t be able to interact with your website. Millions of people are visually-impaired, and many use screen readers to consume online content. Simply add an alt attribute to the tag in the HTML code. The alt attribute is a picture description consisting of several words, read by the web crawler when page is indexed. Today, we’re going to talk about image alt text optimization (or image alt tag optimization, what some would call “image SEO”). Perché a volte, il contesto è ‘racchiuso’ in immagini che Google non riesce a leggere. This includes screen readers Ma avere degli alt text mancanti non è sempre un problema perché non tutte le immagini richiedono un alt text. To do so, employ certain website features that optimize your images without compromising their resolution. Why Does Alt Text Matter for SEO? We are going to look at ways you can improve your image alt text while keeping your content search engine friendly. E’ responsabile del 20,45% di tutte le ricerche online, posizionandosi sopra YouTube, Bing, e gli altri motori di ricerca combinati. E come puoi usarli per migliorare la SEO e l’esperienza utente? Alt text is simply a short sentence that you add to each image within your website, to describe what it represents. You should also remember to add alt text to form buttons. L’uso dell’alt text aiuta Google a capire queste immagini, e comporta una comprensione migliore della tua pagina e del suo contenuto. Installa l’estensione Chrome Alt Text Tester gratuita, carica la pagina con il maggior traffico, e attiva l’estensione. Check Google Analytics, Google Search Console, or the “Top pages” report in Ahrefs’ Site Explorer. It lives in the, Why you shouldn’t add alt text to all images, How to find and fix issues with alt attributes. Well, Google cares and for SEO, that is pretty much all you need to know. ALT text or ALT attribute (sometimes incorrectly used as “ALT tag”) is the important text of the image, that is understandable by Google and other search engines.It is read to blind people or showed to people who have blocked images. Read our article below for ranking tips and advice on good SEO It is used when the image in the Web page cannot be displayed, in which case the Alt text is shown instead. is to describe images to visitors who are unable to see them. Let’s make sure we understand what works and what doesn’t with a few examples. Alt text (text that describes an image) improves accessibility for people who can’t see images on web pages, including users who use screen readers or have low-bandwidth connections. Alt Text SEO Dos and Don’ts The basic advice you’ll receive on writing alt text is to use natural language, and to describe what’s in the picture. So, rather than crawling your site and obsessing over every missing alt attribute (most sites have quite a lot of missing ones), a better idea is to audit and improve alt tags for pages that already get traffic. Shows estimated monthly search traffic to this article according to Ahrefs data. Dovresti ottimizzare anche i nomi dei file, fornire immagini responsive, considerare il lazy loading, e molto altro. The number of times this article was shared on Twitter. Per esempio, alcuni siti web hanno delle icone per separare i contenuti: Sono lì solamente perché sono belle, e quindi non dovresti aggiungere l’alt text. This should give you a sense of whether your alt text optimization is sound or needs work. 125 characters) but descriptive. Google talks about the importance of alt text for users with screen readers in their SEO starter guide. Google talks about the importance of alt text for users with screen readers in their SEO starter guide. Along with implementing image title and file naming best practices, including alt attribute will also contribute to image SEO. Who cares? These work by converting on-screen content, including images, to audio. This makes your website more attractive to visitors, making them more likely to return or stay on it longer. Learn more in our list of 12 actionable image SEO tips. Dovresti anche ricordarti di aggiungere alt text ai bottoni dei moduli. Di solito, tralasciano queste immagini, o peggio, leggono un lungo ed inutile nome del file dell’immagine. Alternative text, often just called "alt text," is an HTML attribute added to image tags to provide a description of the image: Okay: “orange Good: “orange Best: “orange. Google looks at the words on a page to understand what it’s about. Alt text (testo alternativo) descrive un'immagine in una pagina web. Alt text images also benefit your search engine optimization rankings. Ma non tutti i collegamenti sono testuali; alcuni sono immagini. For example, if the page mentions poodles, labradors, and retrievers, then Google knows it’s about dog breeds. Controlla Google Analytics, Google Search Console, o il report “Top pages” in Site Explorer di Ahrefs. Dovresti avere un senso di comprensione se l’ottimizzazione dei tuoi alt text è buona o c’è bisogno di lavoro. Milioni di persone sono ipovedenti, e molte di loro usano dei lettori dello schermo per consultare i contenuti online. This is no coincidence because Google places a relatively high value on alt text to determine not only what is on the image but also how it relates to the surrounding text. Ad esempio, in WordPress, c’è un campo per alt text quando si aggiunge una immagine ad una pagina o articolo: Ecco le istruzioni per alcuni dei più famosi: Se l’immagine serve per scopi decorativi e non ha con sé importanti informazioni,allora non c’è bisogno di aggiungere alt text. Google legge le parole della pagina per capire di cosa si tratta. Follow these five best practices, and you should be good. — 🍌 John 🍌 (@JohnMu) September 4, 2018. Head of Content @ Ahrefs (or, in plain English, I'm the guy responsible for ensuring that every blog post we publish is EPIC). Alt text also provides an opportunity to add the target keyword. You’ll soon get a feel for whether they’re optimized well, poorly, or not at all. 14 June 2020 Home >> SEO Terms >> Image ALT Text for SEO . Alt Text is incredibly valuable for SEO purposes for one big reason—without Alt Text, your images have no effect on your SEO ranking. Google Immagini è il secondo motore di ricerca al mondo per dimensione. E’ presente nel codice HTML e non è visibile nella pagina, ma è importante per la SEO. So the more descriptive the text is the more useful it is to them. Still, Alt text is important for search engines to read images. Questo significa che ci sono delle opportunità per avere del traffico da Google Immagini. It is also displayed when a user mouses over the image. Per esempio, servono solo alcuni secondi di scorrimento di questo articolo per vedere che tutte le immagini sono ben ottimizzate…. Alt text should be your main focus when it comes to image SEO. Because most websites get the bulk of their traffic to just a handful of pages, this shouldn’t take too long. It can help to put your keyword phrase near the beginning and then go into a description of your image. Funzionano convertendo il contenuto dello schermo, incluse le immagini, in audio. Usually, they skip over these images, or worse, read out long and unhelpful image filenames. E’ presente nel codice, Come aggiungere gli alt text alle immagini, Perché non dovresti aggiungere gli alt text a tutte le immagini, Come trovare e sistemare problemi legati agli attributi alt,, Aggiungere alt text alle immagini con Squarespace, Aggiungere alt text alle immagini con Wix, Aggiungere alt text alle immagini con Shopify. But so many get this wrong, and you wouldn't have to look too far to find a page where all of the images use the same alt text – an exact match of a page's main target keyword. Wrapping Up, Image Alt Text SEO Best Practices; 1) Make the alt text descriptive. Capirai presto se sono ottimizzati bene, male, o per nulla. This means there’s an opportunity to drive traffic from Google Images. Immagina che tu stia scrivendo l’anchor text di un testo di collegamento. Cosa Sono i Tag YouTube e Quali Dovresti Aggiungere? It will also provide SEO benefits to images by implementing titles for the images. If you're trying to figure out how to optimize your alt tags for better image SEO, then this is the video for you. This is because some screen readers read out filenames in the absence of an alt attribute, whereas most will skip those with empty ones. It’s “alternative” text because it’s displayed if the image cannot be shown otherwise, e.g. Google uses alt text along with computer vision algorithms and the contents … This way it’s helpful for SEO but doesn’t leave a reader clueless if they’re relying on your description. Alt text is essential for creating accessible content. Shows how many different websites are linking to this piece of content. Come ottenere più Backlink, Funnel Marketing per principianti: una guida completa, Le basi dell’affiliate marketing: 7 passi verso il successo.”>. Find out more here. This can at… Dovresti vedere l’alt text mostrato appena passi sopra ad un’immagine. Se stai utilizzando un CMS moderno, dovrebbe essere possibile aggiungere l’alt text senza dover andare nel codice HTML. Usually, they skip over these images, or worse, read out long and unhelpful image filenames. Per esempio, se la pagina menziona barboncini, labrador e retriever, allora Google capisce che riguarda le razze canine. Note the inclusion of the model number in that final example. Alternate text (Alt text) is a text description that can be added to an image’s HTML tag on a Web page. If you do decide to use an image as a link, filling out its alt text helps Google understand more about the page you’re linking to. Scopri di più nella nostra lista di 12 consigli pratici di SEO per immagini. This guide will teach you exactly how to use alt text to optimize all your images. Alt text is a phrase that is thrown around a lot in SEO articles and audit recommendations, but many are still unclear about its relevance or how to implement it in a beneficial way. Siccome molti siti web hanno il grosso del loro traffico solamente in poche pagine, non dovrebbe richiedere molto tempo. Alt text (alternative text) descrive un’immagine in una pagina web. First, you’ll need to make sure your images load quickly on your site. Imagine that you’re writing anchor text for a text link. Questa è una buona pratica, specialmente per le immagini nelle pagine di prodotto degli e‑commerce. Search Engines don’t understand images easily. Optimizing alt text is important, but it’s not the be-and-end-all of image SEO. Image ALT Text for SEO. Google’s article about images has a heading “Use descriptive alt text”. Anchor text refers to the clickable words that link one webpage to another. Aggiungi semplicemente un attributo alt al tag , “steak. If user has disabled the graphics support function in the browser, then the contents of the tag will be displayed instead of the picture. What Is Alt Text (And Why It’s Important for SEO) You may know it as ‘alt text’, ‘alt tags’, ‘alt attributes’, or ‘alt descriptions’, but all of these terms refer to the same thing. Per esempio, solamente 10 articoli del blog di Ahrefs sono responsabili del 51% del traffico organico mensile…. For example, it only takes a few seconds of scrolling this post to see that all of the images are well-optimized…. Quanto traffico fa un sito? Having a well-crafted alt text makes sure your images are properly accounted for in Google’s crawl and prominently placed in search engine results. Images without alt text cause problems for screen readers because there’s no way to communicate the content of the image to the user. Title text or Title attribute (often incorrectly used as “Title tag”) is the text of images which a user sees after hovering over the image. For example, in WordPress, there’s a field for alt text when adding an image to a page or post: Here are instructions for some of the most popular ones: If the image exists for decorative purposes and doesn’t carry important information, then there’s no need to add alt text. Lots of tools are capable of crawling your site and finding missing alt attributes, including Ahrefs’ Site Audit. Le immagini senza l’alt text causano dei problemi ai lettori di schermo perché non c’è modo per loro di comunicare il contenuto dell’immagine all’utente. Alt text non è una cosa difficile. Alt Text for SEO. … so we can easily audit and optimize alt text for most of our high-traffic pages in minutes. As a general rule, the more websites link to you, the higher you rank in Google. Images without alt text cause problems for screen readers because there’s no way to communicate the content of the image to the user. if the image had an error loading or if the reader is visually impaired and using a screen reader. Se decidi di utilizzare una immagine come un collegamento, compilare il suo alt text aiuta Google a capire di più della pagina che è stata collegata. But not all links are text; some are images. Gli alt text sono importanti principalmente per 4 motivi. It would be better to have the screen reader ignore it completely. ALT text (also called 'ALT descriptions' and 'ALT tags') improves the user experience on your website and allows search engines to crawl your web pages effectively. Ad esempio, guarda questi attributi alt mancanti: E’ chiaro già dal nome del file che non c’è bisogno dell’alt text. But what’s so important about alt text? Wondering how alt text on images can improve your search engine optimisation. An additional benefit is that it provides a semantic description of images for search engines. Male: “foto, Okay: “cheesecake”, Buono: “cheesecake, Ottimo: “cheesecake, Male: “steve, Okay: “steve, Buono: “steve, Ottimo: “steve, Male: “immagine4”, Okay: “amplificatore, Buono: “amplificatore, Ottimo: “orange. Quindi, invece di scansionare il tuo sito web ed andare ossessivamente su ogni attributo alt mancante (molti siti web ne hanno molti mancanti), un’idea migliore è revisionare e migliorare gli alt tag delle pagine che stanno avendo traffico. 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